These 5 Simple Things Will Improve Your Teens' Test Scores and Memory

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Does your teen or someone you know, need to write an exam or a test of some sort in the near future?
If so, I wanted to share some tips that can help them improve their results.

I'm sure you'll agree that the ability to do well in tests has a large part to do with
how well they can remember things. This means their memory needs to be in tip top shape.

And a great memory is partly due to a healthy brain.
Here are 5 simple things to do to improve brain health
 and sharpen their memory. 
1. Proper Nutrition
Look for food that has:
- Lots of leafy greens
- Lots and lots of colors 
- Lots of fiber 

I also recommend supplementing their diet with Lecithin as it has choline
which is a component of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, try saying that twice!

Ginkgo, bilberry, hawthorn and B vitamins can also help
to enhance memory and decision making. 

Finding bilberry or hawthorn in the veggies aisle isn't likely,
so it's easier to get it in Shaklee's Mental Acuity Plus.

You can try Shaklee's MindWorks.
It has guarana and grape seed extract which when combined,
has been shown to improve cognitive performance.
2. Regular Physical Exercise
One of the reasons exercise helps is your brain requires a lot of blood and oxygen.
Regular exercise helps with that.
3. Mental Stimulation 
Here are some things you can try to challenge their brains:
- Suggest they try doing things for a few minutes per day using their opposite hand
- Take them to new places and practice remembering the landmarks 
- Get them to socialize
- Have them try  to play a musical instrument or do math in their head
4. Stress Management
Stress causes the release of a hormone called cortisol which has been shown to damage and kill the area of the brain responsible for episodic memory and can cause premature aging.
Walking, yoga and swimming has proven stress-reducing benefits and they can also lower
the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.
5. Sleep and Mental Rest
Sleep and mental rest boosts mental health.
Teenagers who gets 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night has been proven to be good decision makers,
have a sharper memory and are more focused on their everyday tasks.

If you haven't read my ebook on the 7 ways to improve memory, focus and reduce mental decline,
I highly recommend you check it out. After all it's free!

Feed your teens' hungry brains with total long-term nourishment
and you'll see teens with better moods, and better test scores! 
Here's to a healthier and happier brain!

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*MindWorks is not intended for use by children, or by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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